For more than a 100 days we have been told what to do, when to do it and how to do it! Now the Government has eased the restrictions on lockdown it is important to look after our wellbeing as we enter this new season. As we start to do all the things we had stopped doing, seeing families/friends, shopping, going to church, eating out, and still keep to our 1 meter plus social distance, we must remember that physical distancing doesn't mean shutting yourself off from others. We need each other!

One cool day in the spring of 2020 our world as we knew it came to a sudden and unexpected halt. The command “stay inside’ rolled around in our minds, and the cloud of uncertainty began to build as we attempted to put some meaning to what was happening. On “lockdown” became the catch phrase that echoed on our lips and on the lips of many around the globe.
Four months on and we’re told to “go out”, to get back out to work. Though the relief came as shops and social venues began to re-open and we all felt the joy of being able to meet with friends and love ones again, the reality remains that life no longer feels the same.
As we witness week by week a society coming back to life, many are still in "lock down” in their mind. Fear, anxiety and uncertainty has taken its toll. Stepping out is not simply leaving the house, it’s stepping out of the confines of our mind, it’s finding the drive to do what we previously did and loved, it’s finding the motivation to get going, it’s finding the courage to mix and socialise, it’s admitting that we feel displaced and fearful. We are living in unprecedented times where face mask has become our new fashion accessory and social distancing our new norm.
Not knowing what the future holds, facing the reality of the economic downturn, the global health crisis, the worry of whether we or someone we know may have contracted the virus, can continue to lock us down.
Whilst we may not be able to change the face of the pandemic, we can change our reaction. Let’s be kind to ourselves and feed our mind good stories. Let’s focus on living through today knowing that this too shall pass.
The Scripture urges us in Matthew 6:34, “don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries…today’s trouble is enough for today”
One cool day in the spring of 2020 our world as we knew it came to a sudden and unexpected halt. The command “stay inside’ rolled around in our minds, and the cloud of uncertainty began to build as we attempted to put some meaning to what was happening. On “lockdown” became the catch phrase that echoed on our lips and on the lips of many around the globe.
Four months on and we’re told to “go out”, to get back out to work. Though the relief came as shops and social venues began to re-open and we all felt the joy of being able to meet with friends and love ones again, the reality remains that life no longer feels the same.
As we witness week by week a society coming back to life, many are still in "lock down” in their mind. Fear, anxiety and uncertainty has taken its toll. Stepping out is not simply leaving the house, it’s stepping out of the confines of our mind, it’s finding the drive to do what we previously did and loved, it’s finding the motivation to get going, it’s finding the courage to mix and socialise, it’s admitting that we feel displaced and fearful. We are living in unprecedented times where face mask has become our new fashion accessory and social distancing our new norm.
Not knowing what the future holds, facing the reality of the economic downturn, the global health crisis, the worry of whether we or someone we know may have contracted the virus, can continue to lock us down.
Whilst we may not be able to change the face of the pandemic, we can change our reaction. Let’s be kind to ourselves and feed our mind good stories. Let’s focus on living through today knowing that this too shall pass.
The Scripture urges us in Matthew 6:34, “don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries…today’s trouble is enough for today”
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